
Welcome to the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard Media Center. Our media relations program is committed to providing timely and accurate information to the public about our military operations throughout the world. We work with the news media to provide interviews, coordinate visits, and respond to queries. We seek every opportunity to tell the Air Force story by reaching the public through local, regional and national news media organizations.


Drill Team Leadership




Tech. Sgt. Timothy Quinn

Flight Chief


Digital Press Kits

USAF Honor Guard Press Kit
Drill Team Press Kit


Click To View U.S. Air Force Honor Guard Schedule 

For information about how to schedule or request a performance, click here and contact the scheduling office.

Media Contact

For ALL media inquiries regarding the Air Force Honor Guard and its components, please contact: 

11th Wing Public Affairs
20 MacDill Blvd SE
Washington, DC 20032
Commercial: 202-284-3250